Tag Archives: Business

The Sun Is Coming Up!

Every sunrise is filled with the possibilities of a new sales day.

Just as the sun comes up every morning to sing forth a brand new day, every sunrise is an opportunity to start life fresh and new in your sales career.  The mistakes of yesterday are gone.  Maybe you blew it with that big client.  Maybe you lost a great opportunity. Forgive yourself and start anew.  We never know what exciting adventures are in store for us with each sunrise. 

There are two poems I would like to share with you which talk about starting life anew.  Whitman wrote the first poem, and an unknown author wrote the second. “Finish each day and be done with it; you have done what you could.  No doubt some blunders and absurdities crept in; forget them as quickly as you can.  Tomorrow is a new day, you shall begin it well and serenely.”

“I’ve shut the door on yesterday its sorrow and mistakes; and now I throw the key away to seek another room and furnish it with hope and smiles and every springtime bloom.  I’ve shut the door on yesterday and thrown the key away.  Tomorrow holds no fears for me, since I have found today.”

Grab hold of the possibilities of this new sales day and Carpe Diem … “Seize the Day!”

*Excerpted from the inspiring little sales book “Sell Your Way To Success” by Mark Bowser. Get your copy now on Amazon (www.Amazon.com/author/markbowser)

Social Media Marketing vs. Direct Marketing! What Should I Do?

By Mark Bowser

Social Media Marketing is a necessary evil in today’s business environment. Now, that is a provocative statement and I am quite sure I have ruffled some feathers already. Does that mean that I don’t believe in social media marketing and refuse to participate in it? Not at all. Every week, I post content on several platforms and engage with other’s content to create attention, influence, and results toward my objectives.

But, I still say it is a necessary business evil. Why? Because it is not direct marketing. I am a big believer of what marketing king Dan Kennedy preached for years that the best marketing is one that goes direct to the buyer. One on one, whether it is a sales letter speaking directly to the consumer or a sales professional speaking to the decision maker is always the best type of marketing.

If that is the case, and it is, then why do so many people shy away from those direct marketing endeavors into the world of social media marketing? Cost! Pure and simple. It is all about the cost. For example, a direct mail campaign is very expensive. You have to obtain a mailing list, hire a copywriter (or write it yourself), print the piece, buy the postage, prepare the mailer…all before you send your marketing piece out the door toward the prospect. On the hand, Social Media Marketing is free or relatively inexpensive accept for your time.

My main point is to encourage organizations and individuals to not throw the proverbial baby out with the bath water. The great failure is when we choose one over the other. The truth is for you to reach your full exposure and results you need both Direct Marketing and Social Media Marketing.

Having said that, let me give you four quick steps on how to make your Social Media Marketing & Selling more effective.

1. Know Your Audience. It doesn’t matter how good your bait is if you land in the wrong pond. You have to go where the fish are who love your bait.

2. Choose the Right Platforms. No platform fits all sizes. Know your objectives and do your research on the plethora of platforms to choose a few to start engaging with. Choose three or four and stick with them.

3. Post Quality Content. What is quality? It depends on your audience. Make sure it creates value for them. Leave them with something they can use immediately.

4. Keep It Simple. One of the most common mistakes I see as a sales and marketing consultant is that people don’t make it easy to succeed. If you overcomplicate your process, then in time, most people quit doing it. Create a simple process you can put in motion every week.

There you have it. Now, it is your turn. Go and make it happen!

*Mark Bowser is a Professional Business Speaker and the author of several books including “Sell Your Way to Success,” “Sales Success” with Zig Ziglar, “Some Gave It All” with Danny Lane (endorsed by Chuck Norris), “Jesus, Take the Wheel,” “Nehemiah on Leadership,” and the soon to be released “Leadership Mastery.” Check out his books on Amazon.

*To schedule Mark Bowser to speak at your next conference or business training meeting please email him at info@MarkBowser.com or visit www.MarkBowser.com. Remote learning training seminars are also available.

Doing the Impossible with Walt Disney

By Mark Bowser

“It’s kind of fun to do the impossible.” —- Walt Disney

Impossible. Noah Webster’s 1828 dictionary defines it as “That cannot be… Impracticable; not feasible; that cannot be done.” But Walt Disney made it a habit of doing what others labeled impossible.

Hmmm, he made it a habit. Let’s think about that for a minute. Webster’s defines habit as “A disposition or condition of the mind or body acquired by custom or a frequent repetition of the same act. Habit is that which is held or retained, the effect of custom or frequent repetition. Hence we speak of good habits and bad habits.”

Disney made it a point of repetition to tackle what others said was impossible. He believed in possibilities and he constantly took action on that belief. Because of that action and belief, today we have Snow White and The Seven Dwarves, Disneyland, Walt Disney World, and the list goes on and on.

So, how do we, like Disney, accomplish the impossible? I believe there are four pivotal steps in accomplishing the impossible. Let’s explore them together.

One, DREAM. Without a dream, possibilities wither on the vine. What do you have in your heart? If you knew you wouldn’t fail, what would you do? It was T.E. Lawrence who said, “All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible.” Let us all become a little more dangerous. Let us become men and women of enthusiasm, passion, and of conviction for a dream.

Two, have a GAME PLAN OF ACTION. Having a big dream isn’t enough. We must put those dreams into action. Break your dream down into bite size chunks and get to work on them. Paul J. Meyer said, “Crystallize your goals. Make a plan for achieving them and set yourself a deadline. Then, with supreme confidence, determination and disregard for obstacles and other people’s criticisms, carry out your plan.”

Three, WHO CAN HELP YOU? No one can reach the top of success mountain all by themself? Disney had his brother Roy. He also had a team of dedicated believers. And even when Disney had thinkers of impossibles in his inner circle, he sought help elsewhere. Who can help you? Who has the financial possibilities? Who has the asset possibilities? Who believes in you and your dream?

Four, FAITH. To succeed at your dream, you have to have unshakable belief. Times will get tough. The road will become hazardous during your journey. What is going to keep you going? You must have faith and hope to keep going. A faith in God, in yourself, and in the importance of your dream. Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.”

When you have those four steps in place, you can’t lose. Your dream is alive! After all, dreams do come true. We have a Walt Disney World to prove it. Disney was right. It is fun doing the impossible.

*Mark Bowser is one of the top Professional Business Speakers in the United States. He is the author of several books including “Nehemiah on Leadership,” “Sales Success” with Zig Ziglar, “Jesus, Take the Wheel,” “The 3 Pillars of Success for Funeral Directors,” “Some Gave It All” with Danny Lane (endorsed by Chuck Norris), etc…

*To schedule Mark Bowser for your next conference or training event, please email info@MarkBowser.com or visit http://www.MarkBowser.com

The Way You Say It Is Important

Selling Words to Live By

Sales Copywriting is powerful and very few sales professionals understand it or know how to do it. We all write letters, emails, texts, etc… wouldn’t it be wise to know how to use the right words in the right way? Here is one piece of advice from Top Copywriting Coach David Garfinkel:

“Instead of saying, ‘We’re the best’ or ‘We’re the top of the heap,’ you can use this, and it can be a bullet point. ‘People call us the best because’ and then you come up with your reason. Suddenly, it’s not you saying you’re the best; it’s other people saying you’re the best. And, it’s not only that, but you’re giving them a reason, so it makes it a lot more believable.”

Sales Curiosity

Selling Words To Live By

“Curiosity is the uncovering mechanism to new discoveries.  What new sales discoveries can you make this week?  Is it driving a new way through your territory and possibly finding some new customers, is it discovering some new sales closing technique that you have never tried before, or maybe it is discovering a fresh way to connect and build rapport with an old time customer.  Well, I challenge you to be curious this week.  It might be just the thing to boost your sales career to the next level…”

*Excerpted from “Sell Your Way To Success” by Mark Bowser. Get your copy here http://amzn.to/XWGK8M

Your Value to the Marketplace is the Problems You Can Solve

By Mark Bowser

Life is a series of problems. Experts say that we’re all in one of three places. One, you just came out of a crisis. Two, your in a crisis right this moment, or three…guess what…you’re getting ready to head into a crisis.

So, life is a series of problems. More importantly, life is about how we handle problems. I see problems simply as opportunities in disguise. That may sound like a cliche, but that doesn’t make it not true. Problems can mean growth if you choose to look for the opportunity.

The super successful are problem solvers. Our value to the marketplace is in solving problems. For example, if we don’t solve a problem for a customer, then we aren’t worth anything to them. That’s harsh, but it’s also true.

The famed author and preacher, Dr. Norman Vincent Peale was plagued with a problem one day. He just couldn’t come up with a solution and he felt like he was up against an obstacle the size of El Capitan in Yosemite National Park.

Finally, Norman was told he needed to go see this particular wise old man. They said if anyone can help you find a solution, it is this man. So, Norman relented and he went to visit the old man. The man opened the squeaky front door and allowed Norman to enter the house.

The old man led Norman to the living room and pointed to a chair for him to sit down. The old man sat down adjacent to him in a well worn recliner. While rocking back and forth, the old man asked, “Son, what brings you out this way?”

Norman shared his miserable problem with the old man and every thing he had tried to no avail to solve it. The old man leaped out of his chair like a rocket launching from Cape Canaveral. Norman couldn’t believe that the man could move that quickly.

All of sudden, the old man started to raise his hands in the air over and over again while walking in a circle in the middle of the room. Norman began to wonder what he had gotten himself into. Was the old man delusional? Had he lost his mind?

Sheepishly, Norman asked, “Sir, may I ask what you are doing?”

“Why, I am heaping up the problem of course. You can’t expect to solve a problem until you get it in a pile.”

After a moment, the old man stopped ‘heaping” the problem and continued walking in a circle — this time poking a crooked, raggedy finger into an imaginary pile. Norman asked, “What are you doing now?”

“Why, I am looking for the soft spot. Every problem has a soft spot. You can’t solve a problem until you find it’s soft spot….Hey, there it is right here! Son, that is where you will find your solution.”

In his wild eccentric way, what this old man was dong was helping Norman kickstart his creative juices. Every problem has a solution if you believe there is a solution and choose to look for the opportunity. Sometimes, the opportunity isn’t found where you expect it to be found. Sometimes, it is a shift in an attitude which leads you to acceptance and then to a new horizon which in turn leads to the new opportunity.

If you need a new answer to solve a problem then you had better ask new questions. Many times we stare at our problem like we are staring at a brick wall. Instead, we need to look for the door to walk through or at least a window to climb in from.

To be super successful in this life, we have to be solution oriented. I want you to do something for me — actually it is for yourself. I want you to pull out a piece of paper. Go ahead. I’ll wait. I’m not going anywhere.

Alright. Now, I want you to jot down on the paper a problem you are dealing with right now. It may be a business problem you are is experiencing. It may be a relationship problem. Whatever it is, write it down now. Let’s deal with that problem immediately.

Many people don’t want to face their problem. It is equivalent to throwing a little monster under the table so we can’t see it. However, hidden from view, that little monster of a problem finds crumbs under the table and it begins to eat. It grows and gets bigger and bigger. Eventually it is so big that the table can’t hide it anymore and we have to deal with it. So, let’s deal with it now while it is small.

Heap the problem up and look for the soft spot and before you know it…it won’t be a problem anymore. It will have been solved.

*Excerpted and adapted from Mark Bowser’s Seminar The Foundation of Success. To schedule Mark Bowser as a speaker for your next event or conference then email info@MarkBowser.com or visit www.MarkBowser.com

*Mark Bowser is the author of several books including Sales Success with Zig Ziglar, Some Gave It All with Danny Lane, Jesus, Take the Wheel, and Sell Your Way to Success.


By Mark Bowser

What is it about the Super Successful? It is almost as if they attract success to them like a magnet to medal. What is it about them? No matter how successful you and I may already be — we can be more. So, how can we boost our results and join the Super Successful? How can you take your life to the next level and achieve more influence and more income then you thought humanly possible? Difficult you say? Some are even thinking impossible as they read those words. Think again. 

We know every thing there is to know about the Super Successful. They have been studied for decades. I have studied them myself for many years. And, I have stood on the shoulders of the giants who came before me who studied them too. 

We know how the Super Successful think. We know what they believe. We know their habits. We know the actions they have taken. We know what has worked for them and what has failed…and we have learned why…and so can you. 

Write this down. I want you to make yourself a note and carry it around with you for a week. This is what this whole concept boils down to. Are you ready? Here it is! Success Leaves Clues! Success Leaves Clues! If we do the things that the Super Successful have done then we are going to get similar if not identical results. If we learn to think the way they think and adopt their positive habits as our own then success is inevitable. 

So, if you don’t like where you are right now or the results you have been getting — then realize you aren’t stuck…unless you choose to be stuck. You can change. You can become better. You can reach your dreams. But, you have to change course. If your ship is in unfriendly territory then you need to steer the rudder towards favorable seas.  It is all about your beliefs. And, your beliefs lead to your thoughts. And, your thoughts lead to your actions. Before you know it, you will have adopted a success philosophy that has become a habit. 

One of the elements of being Super Successful is asking better questions. Lousy questions lead to lousy answers. The Super Successful ask better and better questions and that leads to the answers they need to win.  

One of my colleagues, Brian Tracy, used to tell a fascinating story about Albert Einstein. In 1942, Einstein was teaching a physics class at Oxford University. He had just given a final exam to the seniors in the physics program. He and his teaching assistant were walking across campus and Einstein could tell that something was bothering his assistant. Finally, the assistant burst out his quandary. “Dr. Einstein, I am confused. The exam that you just administered to the senior class — isn’t that the same exam you gave them a year ago?”

“Yes, it was the same exam,” said Dr. Einstein.  

“Then, how do you give the same exam to the same students two years in a row?”

“Oh, that is simple,” said Einstein. “The answers have changed.”

What did Einstein mean that the answers had changed? We may not understand every nugget he was referring to — Einstein had a tendency to think on a different plane then most of us. But, his statement is applicable to us today. What concerns did you have a year ago? It isn’t the same concerns you have today, is it? The answers have changed. What goals did you have a year ago? Most of those goals are different today. The answers have changed. Where was the American economy a few years ago? It isn’t in the same place today. The answers have changed.  

In order for us to get better answers, we have to ask better questions. My son is a sophomore in high school. It must have been when he was in fourth or fifth grade when I experienced the ‘New Math’ for the first time. If you haven’t experienced it as of yet — just let me say it is an eye opener. 

One night, I was helping Andrew with his homework in long division. Let me tell you, I can do long division. We’re not talking about rocket science. We’re talking about elementary school long division. As we were working, I corrected Andrew on his process. He stopped me and said, “Dad, my teacher doesn’t want me to do that way.”

“What do you mean your teacher doesn’t want you to do it that way? That is how you do long division. How does she want you to do it?”

Well, Andrew proceeded to show me how they were taught to calculate a long division problem. Remember how we were all taught. Let’s say we needed to divide 5,227 by 15. We would write down the 15, draw the line up and over and put 5,227 under the line. 

Then, we would ask ourselves, “Hmm, how many times does 15 go into the first two digits?” In this case it is how many times does 15 go into 52. Oh, they don’t do it that way in the ‘New Math.’ They calculate — I mean guess — how many times 15 goes into the entire number of 5,227. It is supposed to develop their in depth thinking or some other mumbo jumbo.  

I was getting so frustrated that I actually said to Andrew, “What! That makes no sense. Your teacher and I could both have the same one hundred problems, we would get the same answer, but I would beat her speed wise every time!”

My wife gasped, “You can’t say that to him.” Of course she was right, but my exasperation had gotten a hold of my tongue. 

So, what is my point here? If we want to go to the next level of success, we just can’t change the process and randomly call it new and improved. If we want better answers, then we need to ask better questions. Never ask lousy negative questions such as “I wonder if it is possible for us to do xyz?” Always ask possibility questions such as “How can we accomplish xyz by June 1st?” The most powerful question you can ask is “How?” How — opens the doors. How — overcomes obstacles. How — reveals the success to come. 

What answers do you need this year? What challenges are you dealing with? Where do you want to be in a few months? To get the answers to questions like these and more — you need to look at things with fresh eyes. You do that by looking for the clues. Success Leaves Clues!  

*To view a video on this topic from one of Mark Bowser’s live seminars then go to https://youtu.be/NXRBFB8cLvM

*Mark Bowser is the author of several books including “Sales Success” with Zig Ziglar, “Sell Your Way to Success,” “Unlocking the Champion Within,” “Jesus, Take the Wheel,” and “Some Gave It All” with Danny Lane (endorsed by Chuck Norris).

Mark Bowser has presented training seminars for some of the world’s top organizations including Dell, Southwest Airlines, FedEx Logistics, Ford Motor Company, United States Marine Corp., Purdue University, Kings Daughters Medical Center, Princeton University, Sony Music, and many more. To schedule Mark to speak at your next conference or training event then email info@MarkBowser.com or visit http://www.MarkBowser.com

Success Leaves Clues

Words to Live By

“Your family and your love must be cultivated like a garden. Time, effort, and imagination must be summoned constantly to keep it flourishing and growing.”

Jim Rohn

Success Leaves Clues

Selling Words To Live By— Writing Sales Copy

Selling Words to Live By

“After you have your headline and bullets down, you need to have an offer. An offer is really the heart of copy. Your offer is what makes somebody realize that they want something that you are selling. An offer is not what you are selling. An offer is what a person can do with what you are selling, all of the components, the big picture of your product, service or information product.”

David Garfinkel

Most Sales Professionals don’t know beans about how to write sales copy. Make sure that isn’t you.


Sell Your Intensity

“The speed of the leader determines the speed of the pack”

Perry Marshall (80/20 Sales & Marketing)

Crank up your positive intensity today and watch your team soar with you.
